Resources Archives - Backpacking Routes Routes of the World Fri, 01 Apr 2022 21:30:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Resources Archives - Backpacking Routes 32 32 184093932 Ouachita Trail Resupply Guide Wed, 21 Apr 2021 17:57:44 +0000 The Ouachita Trail doesn't directly pass through any towns throughout its 223 miles, but by simple hitches from the numerous highway crossings, town is never far away. Here are the locations and mileages for Ouachita Trail resupply.

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The Ouachita Trail doesn’t directly pass through any of the towns throughout its 223 miles, but by simple hitches from the numerous highway crossings, a town is never far out of reach. Here are the towns and locations that offer amenities for resupply during a Ouachita Trail thru-hike.

These are listed in eastbound order (starting at the Western Terminus at Talimena State Park in Oklahoma and ending at the Eastern Terminus near Little Rock, Arkansas). Details and maps for each location below the chart.

Find the full trail profile here, and a gear list here.

Resupply LocationTrail MileMiles From TrailAmenities
Queen Wilhelmina Lodge510Restaurant, Hotel, Snacks
Mena, AR6812All amenities
Blue Bell Cafe and Country Store1225Mail, small resupply, and
access to more amenities
with hitch
Hot Springs Village, AR1618All amenities
Little Rock, AR22216All amenities
Ouachita Trail Resupply Spreadsheet
Queen Wilhelmina Lodge – Mile 51

The first real spot to get a warm meal when hiking eastbound, we found the Queen Wilhelmina Lodge very nice. It is a quiet lodge offering a few snacks, restaurant, and rooms to stay in. The restaurant was friendly and despite our dirty thru-hiker appearance, the service and the food were great during our midday break from the rain.

Mena, Arkansas – Mile 68

Mena had everything we needed. The local Walmart has a robust outdoor section, although none of it is ultralight. But, due to some early gear failures, we had to replace some key items and the Mena Walmart offered all the remedies. The town has numerous gas stations, restaurants, and grocery stores.

Bluebell Cafe – Story, Arkansas – Mile 122

Nearly every Ouachita Trail thru-hiker goes to the Bluebell Cafe and Country Store and meets Lori. She is a staple of the trail and is known for helping hikers get to and from the trail and also offering one of the best burgers on any long-distance hiking trail. The cafe also has a small store that hikers can buy enough items to consider it a full resupply. The cafe accepts resupply boxes and a ride can be arranged by calling ahead. Support this small cafe that has spent years supporting the trail. Find more info on the Bluebell Cafe website.

Hot Springs Village, Arkansas – Mile 161

This town is 8 miles south of the trail crossing at Highway 7. Hot Springs Village is a great final resupply for eastbound hikers. The town is fully equipped with grocery stores, restaurants, a post office, and a hotel.

Little Rock, Arkansas – Mile 222

Little Rock is the capital and largest city in Arkansas. It is a great spot to spend a few days before the trail (westbound) or after the trail (eastbound). There are multiple bars, restaurants, hotels, breweries, and an airport to make this terminus the more accessible of the two.

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Colorado Trail Resupply Guide Wed, 21 Apr 2021 15:32:55 +0000 Resupply on the Colorado Trail is fairly regular, but many towns are more then ten miles off trail, and some hitches happen from remote locations with little traffic. Here's the beta for how and when to resupply on the Colorado Trail.

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Resupply on the Colorado Trail is fairly regular, but many towns are more then 10 miles off trail, and some of the hitches happen from remote locations with little traffic. Plan your resupply days accordingly! Resupply mileage is starting in Denver and heading to Durango. Here’s the full Colorado Trail profile.

Conifer (mile 17): 15 miles off trail 

We don’t recommend hitching 15 miles to town after only walking 17 on trail, but if you must, Conifer offers shopping, accommodations, and a walk-in medical clinic capable of servicing minor injuries. 

Buffalo Creek (mile 26.9): 3 miles off trail 

With limited resupply options (post office and a tiny general store) and only 27 miles into the hike, Buffalo Creek is probably a better emergency bailout spot than it is a resupply point. But at only 3 miles off trail, the promise of a candy bar might be just attractive enough to warrant a 6-mile round trip road walk (or hitch if you are lucky). 

Baily (mile 40.5): 8 miles off trail  

This tiny town is 40 miles into the hike, and so might be attractive as a first stop. It offers a few expensive-ish lodging options, a post office, and a few restaurants. At 8 miles off trail, it isn’t a bad spot for a first mail drop, but don’t plan on doing a full grocery store resupply here. 

Jefferson (mile 71): 5 miles off trail

Jefferson doesn’t have a lot going for it (post office, convenience-store style market, and church) but it has the advantage of being an easy hitch that’s only 5 miles off trail. If you are in a hurry, hit it up for a candy bar and a beer. If you have some time, consider Fairplay (below), which you can reach by hitching from the same spot. 

Fairplay (mile 71.7): 20 miles off trail 

Fairplay might be 20 miles off trail, but the Colorado Trail Association says it’s an easy hitch, and we believe them (they’ve never steered us wrong). You can get here from the same point on the trail as Jefferson, and we’d recommend it (because of the range of amenities) even though Fairplay is 15 miles farther off trail. You might consider resupplying at Fairplay and skipping the touristy bustle of Breckenridge – Fairplay is easily walkable and has all the amenities any hiker could ask for. 

Breckenridge/Frisco (mile 104.4): 4 miles off trail 

The best thing about these classic Colorado resort towns is their ease of access from the trail. Simply catch a free bus at the Goldhill Trailhead and 4 bus miles later you are enjoying hostels, restaurants, post offices, grocery stores, and whatever else you need. These are western resort towns, so get ready to pay 15 bucks for a breakfast burrito before you hit the trail in the morning. All told, Breck and Frisco are nice – but expensive – places to take a zero should you feel the need at mile 100. 

Copper Mountain Resort (mile 119): basically on trail 

Only 15 trail miles from Breck, you might be tempted to blow through Copper Mountain Resort without stopping for a burger or pizza at one of its restaurants. Don’t do this. Life is too short, and the trail too dusty, to ever pass up a chance for food and beer, especially if it’s on the trail. They have accommodations, and you can catch a free bus into Frisco or Breckenridge if you realize you forgot something. 

Leadville: (mile 143): 8 to 11 miles off trail 

You can get to Leadville from segments 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the Colorado Trail. There are plenty of places to stay, food to eat, and things to do, so you may be tempted to hitch there more than once! It’s a long-ish hitch no matter which direction you come from, but the plethora of affordable hostels and the Leadville Outdoors and Mountain Market might be attractive if you or your gear needs a rest and a refresh. 

Twin Lakes Village (mile 177): 1 mile off trail

Twin Lakes Village is basically just a general store (hiker owned) and some lodging at Twin Lakes Roadhouse Lodge and Cabins. But it’s only a mile off trail, which is more than reasonable for a soda, candy bar, and maybe a burger if they have the grill going. The store will hold hiker boxes, but the lodge only has 5 rooms, so you should probably plan in advance if you want to stay the night. 

Buena Vista (mile 216): 10 miles off trail

At 10 miles off trail, Buena Vista isn’t the easiest hitch on the CT, but it isn’t the hardest either. It has All the Things, and plenty of lodging to boot. Grab some coffee at the Brown Dog Coffee Company or a beer at the Eddyline Restaurant Brew Pub. The downside is that there’s no hostel (the cheapest lodging is probably the Super 8, but you should check for yourself as prices are always fluctuating). 

Mount Princeton Hot Springs (mile 230): on trail 

The Mount Princeton Hot Springs resort has three things going for it. 1) It’s right on the trail. 2) It has maildrop availability and a tiny general store for resupply. 3) Did we mention hot springs? They’ve also got swimming pools, a lazy river, internet access, and restaurants. If you choose to stay the night, it will be one of your pricier Colorado Trail decisions. But it might be one of your most worthwhile. 

Salida/Poncha Springs (mile 253): 15 miles off trail 

Salida is about as close to the halfway point on the Colorado Trail as you can get and features a plethora of lodging options (at a range of prices), including the Salida Hostel and Woodland Motel on the lower end. There’s a post office, laundromat, Walmart, Safeway, and pretty much anything else you could ask for. It’s an excellent spot for a zero day because of its range of restaurants and amenities, but can sometimes be a tough hitch (it isn’t a straight shot into town). 

Saguache (mile 302): 31 miles off trail 

Saguache has a post office, lodging at the Orchard House and Big Valley Motel, and two restaurants (Mexican and pizza). Not a good spot to resupply if you are buying as you go (the Conoco offers standard gas-station fare), and a hard hitch. Perhaps only worth it if you need an unexpected zero, or don’t feel like walking around Gunnison (the hitch is from the same spot on the trail). 

Gunnison (mile 302): 39 miles off trail

At 39 miles off the trail, Gunnison has the dubious distinction of being the longest hitch in our resupply guide. Unlike Saguache, it’s a big town with lots of breweries, bars, coffee shops, and all the normal hiker musts (laundry/post-office/grocery store). The Wanderlust Hostel provides reasonable accommodation, and there’s also a Holiday Inn, Quality Inn, and Days Inn and Suites if you want something a little more posh to wash off the trail dirt. Gunnison is fairly spread out, so it will take you a little more time and energy to walk around. 

Creede (mile 343): 10 miles off trail 

Creede has all the services you need, but getting there might be more trouble than it’s worth (especially with Molas Lake Campground only 60 miles away). You have to take a side trail from San Luis Pass down to Forest Service Road 503 and then follow the road into town (and remember you have to gain all that elevation back again). Both the Colorado Trail Databook and the Colorado Trail Association website indicate that finding a hitch along the forest service road will be easier on the weekends. 

Lake City (mile 357): 17 miles off trail

This can be a tough hitch, but the trailhead parking lot is large, and finding a day-hiker leaving from the parking lot on a weekend might be pretty easy. Lake City is compact and easy to walk around, and features a full range of amenities, including a post office, laundromat, outfitter, and the Raven’s Rest Hostel. 

Molas Lake Campground (mile 409): on trail 

The Molas Lake campground offers an easy chance to resupply without adding extra miles to your trip, provided you don’t need a soft bed (the only accommodations are campgrounds) and are willing to ship your resupply box UPS as opposed to USPS. Grocery items are limited (the stuff you tend to find in campground stores), but they do have a shower. 

Silverton (mile 411): 6 miles off trail 

Silverton is the last good resupply point before you get to Durango, so make sure you stock up on 80 miles worth of food. It is a popular tourist town with an Old West flair. There are a few burger places, a grocery store, a post office, a laundromat, and the Silverton Inn and Hostel. It’s an easy 6-mile hitch into town, or you can flag down the Durango and Silverton narrow-gauge train in segment 24 and get into town that way. It’s the coolest hitch you’ll ever make, we promise. 

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John Muir Trail Gear List Wed, 14 Apr 2021 22:09:10 +0000 This John Muir Trail gear list is for a standard two-week hike through the epic Sierra Nevada mountains in the summer.

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Read Katie’s John Muir Trail profile here

Hiking the John Muir Trail is unlike lower-elevation trips. This wilderness is known for unpredictable weather, and while we love quality, lightweight gear, I recommend ditching the “as light as humanly possible” mentality for the JMT. Most nights you’ll be camping above 8,000 feet elevation, with dramatic temperature swings possible in any month. Furthermore, resupply options are far apart, and many hikers carry 6-10 days of food at a time. Because of this, I suggest a pack that carries more weight comfortably, as opposed to a frameless or ultralight pack. 

I hiked the John Muir Trail in September. Daily highs were around 65-75F, and the lows were 15-30F. June and September have similar temperature ranges, while July and August are typically 10-15 degrees warmer. Because July and August are the peak JMT months, my gear recommendations are tailored to that temperature range. I was a new thru-hiker during my JMT trip. Since then, I’ve honed my system and spent more time in the Sierra. This gear list combines my own JMT hiking gear and what I’ve learned since then.

This John Muir Trail gear list is aimed toward hikers who plan a trek of 14+ days on the JMT. Faster hikers will have shorter food carries, and might swap a few camp comforts for a lighter pack. Also, I’m not going to list out the toiletries and electronics, as those are the same for pretty much any backpacking trip. You can find the 10 Essentials here, the BPR UL gear list here, moderate gear list here, and luxe gear list here.

John Muir Trail Tent, Sleep System, and Pack
Camping on the John Muir Trail
Campsite views on the John Muir Trail

John Muir Trail Tent Overview

Trekking-pole shelters can be a hassle in the Sierra. Expect to frequently pitch your shelter on rocks or solid-packed dirt that is pretty challenging to dig stakes into. I recommend either a freestanding or semi-freestanding shelter, so you won’t find yourself precariously balancing your entire shelter with a few well-placed rocks. These tents are all also available as a one-person option. 

Big Agnes Copper Spur: Best All-Around Option

This is an incredibly roomy and versatile two-person tent, and it weighs less than 3 pounds. This tent has 29 feet of interior space, two doors and vestibules, and a pole hub redesign in the past few years means more head and shoulder room for no weight penalty.

REI Co-op Flash Air 2 Tent: Best Lightweight Option 

The REI Flash Air rules for its versatility. You can use either tent poles or trekking poles for pitching, so in rocky terrain you’re not dependent on the tension between your trekking poles and stakes. Furthermore, it weighs just under 2 pounds and is one of the more affordable options at $299 (the one-person is $249). 

MSR Hubba Hubba NX2 Tent: Best for Early/Late Season Storm Conditions

One of our best friends on trail used this tent and had a significantly better time on windy nights than the two of us did. The doors and vestibules are designed to keep wind, rain, snow, and sand out of your shelter while the rainfly still cross-ventilates even when fully shut. Because storms and high winds are fairly common in the High Sierra, this fully freestanding option may be worth the extra weight. 

John Muir Trail Pack Overview

I recommend choosing a pack that comfortably carries 30-40 pounds of gear. The weight of a bear canister, extra layers, and long food carries adds up and can make for some pretty uncomfortable climbs if you don’t have the proper pack. 

Osprey Eja 58 Pack (Women’s) / Osprey Exos 58 Pack (Men’s)

This is one of the lightest fully featured packs around. It’s big enough to fit a bear canister and all your gear + layers on the inside, without having too much unnecessary space. It has an internal frame and suspension system in the hip belt to carry weight comfortably, while weighing under 3 pounds. Also, Osprey products have a lifetime warranty. We love to see it. 

Hyperlite Mountain Gear 3400 Southwest Pack

If you don’t mind minimal padding on the hip belt and shoulder straps, this is a great lightweight pack. The top can be rolled down so you can strap your bear canister onto the outside of the pack. Though this may require a bit of shifting to find a comfortable weight distribution, the pack does have an internal frame to relieve pressure on long food carries. 

John Muir Trail Sleep System Overview

A 20-degree sleeping bag is the perfect sweet spot for the Sierra backcountry. For the summer months, you’ll be comfortable even on colder nights. For June or September, you may want to pack a sleeping bag liner, or pair a 20-degree bag or quilt with a warm sleeping pad and/or extra layers. 

Enlightened Equipment 20 Degree Revelation

Hands down my favorite piece of gear. The thought of snuggling up with my quilt gets me so friggin excited to get into the backcountry. I have the Rev-HOLE-ation (same quilt but with poncho capability) and it’s comfortable on its own down to 30-35 degrees. I’ve also used it down to 25 degrees paired with a sleeping bag liner and was mighty toasty. This is a lightweight option as well, weighing just about 20 ounces depending on custom features.

Marmot Trestles Elite Eco 20-Degree Sleeping Bag

For those who prefer a full sleeping bag, I still recommend a 20-degree bag. In September more than half our nights were below freezing, and compromised sleep can ruin a trip. This Marmot bag is one of the more affordable options, at just $158 for a regular length. The fill is synthetic, and the women’s regular weighs 2 pounds, 11 ounces. If you sleep warm or want to put your fate in the hands of the Sierra weather gods, there is also a 30-degree version for $10 less. Hikers concerned with weight and looking for down fill should check out the Sierra Designs Spark.

Sleeping Pad: Therm-a-Rest ProLite Plus

I’ve found sleeping pad preferences to be incredibly personal, so don’t come at me for this heavier pick. I took a Therm-a-Rest ZLite on the JMT and it single-handedly ruined my sleep (and caused subsequent emotional breakdowns) for the entire trip. A hundred times over I would rather carry an extra pound and get a good night’s sleep than skimp on my sleeping pad. I now carry the ProLite and have zero complaints. It’s warm enough for Utah winter, easy to inflate, and super comfortable. The lighter option (but arguably less durable) is the Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XLite.

John Muir Trail Camp, Food, and Water System
Camping on the John Muir Trail
Camping on the John Muir Trail

Stove: Jetboil Stash 

We took the heavier JetBoil Flash on the JMT, and didn’t regret it for one single night. Warm dinners and hot coffee in the morning were life savers, and often the only reason I crawled out of my sleeping bag. Now that I have the lighter Stash cook system, my decision to forever carry a stove is solidified. 

Bear Can: BearVault BV500

Hard-sided bear cans are 1000% required for most of the JMT, and there’s not really a way to ditch it for the few days in the middle when you only need a bear bag. I definitely recommend getting the larger bear can. Even with the bigger size I still had trouble finding room for seven days’ worth of food inside. 

Water Filter: Katadyn BeFree 3-Liter System

*GASP* but why not the Sawyer Squeeze?! Because water is so frequent on the trail, we pretty much always stopped for lunch and dinner at a water source. It was SO convenient to just fill up the bladder and let it filter our water while we ate nearby, and we did not envy our hiking partner who had to squeeze out every liter. Also, it’s still only 3.5 ounces. However, I will say that it definitely got pretty slow by the end of the trail and the replacement filters are expensive. 

John Muir Trail Clothing / Footwear
The author on her John Muir Trail hike

Shorts: Patagonia Baggies 

I brought a similar pair of waterproof North Face shorts, but now I like the baggies more. The 5-inch length is long enough to stop chafing, and they dry quickly enough to handle a midday swim in the sun. 

Long-Sleeve Sun Shirt: Backcountry Tahoe Sun Hoodie

Any sun shirt will do, and this is the one that I have (and love). The high elevation makes sunny days really strong, and taking a long-sleeved shirt with UPF will save you from lathering up sunscreen every few hours. I don’t see the need to bring along a tank top or T-shirt; just hike in your sports bra or shirtless if you want to tan. 

Hat: Arc’teryx Logo Trucker Cap

I did not buy this for myself but it’s a damn good hat. I find myself reaching for this more often than not when I head out on an adventure. Any ball cap or similar will do, but I do recommend some kind of hat for protection from sun exposure.

Midlayer: Melanzana Micro-Grid Hoodie

If I’m telling you about this company for the first time, welcome to the cult. Melanzana hoodies are ubiquitous among thru-hikers for their warmth to weight ratio, comfort, and unique design. I brought a Melly dress on the JMT, which I loved, but if you’re not able to get your hands on one this Outdoor Research Pullover is a close competitor. 

Down Jacket: Mountain Hardwear Ghost Whisperer

This is a popular down jacket among thru-hikers, weighing in at just under 8 ounces. On the JMT, I took an ultralight Arc’teryx down layer and it did not hold up. I now have the Ghost Whisperer as well, and choose this one every time to put in my pack as an extra layer. If you’re going in June or September, you might want to bring a heavier down jacket, like the Feathered Friends Helios or the Montbell Alpine Light Down Parka.

Shell/Rain Jacket: Mountain Hardwear Exposure 2 Jacket

An ultralight 2 or 2.5 layer outer shell will be just fine for the JMT. Though afternoon thunderstorms roll in (and we even got snowed on in September), the majority of the trip will be dry. Comparable jackets are the Outdoor Research Helium or the Enlightened Equipment Visp.

Base Layer/Sleeping Shirt: Smartwool Merino 250 Crew

The mornings in the Sierra are chilly, and you’ll likely want to start out hiking in a warm base layer as opposed to your sun shirt. For me, Smartwool rules this category. 

Base Layer Pants: Smartwool Intraknit 200 Merino Bottoms

These pants are WARM. I would choose these for the JMT over Smartwool’s 250 bottoms because these are easier to move in. I ran through the Utah winter in the Intraknit bottoms, and never needed another layer (down to ~10 degrees). Though they may be warmer than needed for July/August, I would still choose them because of how well they stretch and wick sweat. 

(Optional) Rain Pants: Enlightened Equipment Visp 

I do not think rain pants are necessary on the JMT, but if you really want them, go as light as possible. 

(Optional) Sea to Summit Mosquito Head Net

If you’re hiking in July or August, I recommend having a bug strategy. In September we only had a handful of bites from a few lower campsites, but backpacking in the Sierra in July showed me what I wasn’t missing. 

Patagonia Active Mesh Bra

If you don’t have boobs, this one obviously isn’t for you. I brought this sports bra backpacking in the Sierra last summer, and I’m never going to stray. It’s not the most supportive bra, but it does just fine for hiking, climbing, skiing, and other low-impact activities. It dries quickly and is great for swimming in alpine lakes as well. 

ExOfficio Give n Go 2.0 Bikini Briefs

These are what I brought on the JMT, and one of the only pieces of gear I was 150% satisfied with. Two pairs were plenty for the entire trip because they’re easily washed in any water source and dry quickly. It was usually too cold to leave them out overnight, so I would wash a dirty pair in the morning and let it hang off the back of my pack during the day. 

ExOfficio Give n Go 2.0 Boxer Briefs

I don’t have much to say about these, but I’m guessing they’re as good as the women’s underwear. 

Altra Lone Peak 5s: Best Zero-Drop Shoes 

You just can’t beat the all-day comfort of these shoes. My one complaint is that because of their wide fit, they can be a bit sloppy on technical terrain. The John Muir Trail has a few rocky sections on the high passes, but for the most part the trail is fairly even. You don’t need anything with crazy traction or an extremely snug fit to feel secure on the trail. 

Hoka One One Challenger ATR 6s: Best Mid-Drop Shoes 

If you’re not a fan of zero drop shoes, these are another great option for all-day comfort on the JMT. They’re lighter than the Lone Peaks and have a snugger fit, so they feel more secure on varied terrain. However, the traction isn’t quite as good as the Lone Peaks or many comparable trail runners. 

Darn Tough Hiker Micro Crew Socks

Simply the best. I brought two pairs of Darn Toughs on the JMT, and I had no hopes they would be the same afterward. However, after just one wash they were as good as new. These are my favorite socks, and they’re also my go-to for activities when I know I’m likely to blister. 

(Optional) Camp Socks: Smartwool Trekking Heavy Crew Socks

I love having a fresh pair of cozy socks designated for camp time. These Smartwool ones are my go-to. 

Dirty Girl Gaiters

Gaiters are something I wish I’d brought. My socks were absolutely disgusting by the end of the trail, much of which could have been avoided with this extremely light and inexpensive piece of gear. There are some rocky and dusty sections of trail on the JMT, so I highly recommend summer gaiters.

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How to Take Notes for a Backpacking Routes Trail Profile During Your Hike Tue, 13 Apr 2021 14:31:25 +0000 Have you been a trail profile for Backpacking Routes? Here are tips for taking notes during the hike that will make the writeup even easier.

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So you’re hiking a trail, have an assignment for a BPR writeup, and you’re about to head out. What can you do to make the writeup easier, with the most accurate information?

If you’re hiking a trail and have an assignment from BPR or you plan to pitch the route, we highly recommend taking notes, photos, and making sure you have a GPS track to send us. Even if you think you’ll remember everything about the trail, these notes will come in handy when you sit down to write it up. We also recommend reading through other profiles and getting familiar with the format before you take off.

Each Backpacking Routes trail profile follows a specific format. We want the readers to know what they’re getting when they click through to a trail. These include a downloadable GPS track, the basic stats of the trail, directions to the trailhead, resupply info, the hiking experience, and any oddities they should know about. It seems like a lot, but if you jot down notes on your phone or in a notebook along the way, we promise the write-up will be fun and come together easily. We also have a step-by-step writer’s guide to send over once you’ve been assigned to the trail.

We’re always looking for more amazing trails to profile and highlight. If you’re planning to hike a trail in the coming year and think it would be a good fit for BPR, shoot us an email or fill out the pitch form. More writing FAQs can be found here. Great examples from contributing writers can be found here, here, and here.

Frequent BPR contributor Katie Kommer also recommends starting a document with the profile outline before you leave, which she says helps her keep track of what information she should be noting. With all that in mind, here are our tips for when you’re hiking a trail and plan to write it up for Backpacking Routes.

1) Record a GPS track, or at least waypoints you’ll be able to connect later. All of our routes have a downloadable GPS track, and our team is a lot more likely to accept a trail when the writer has one to send over.

2) Drop a pin at each trailhead and remember how you got there: We have map links for each trailhead and information on the closest towns. Finding trailheads is one thing, but was it complicated to get there? If you had a shuttle, who did you use? Public transportation? What was the closest town? Did you leave your car at the trailhead, or did you have to park somewhere else? Quick notes on the logistics of arriving and departing are really important. If the trail is a point-to-point, how did you get back to your car?

3) Take notes while on the trail itself: These don’t have to be step-by-step instructions, but for the section on “hiking the XXX trail,” it’s nice to have a few paragraphs that chat about what the actual hike was like. If the trail started out with a few miles in the woods before breaking treeline and taking an intersection with another trail, jot that down when you sit down for a snack break, or at camp that night. I like to write a few bullet points about the day once I’m in my tent. Was the terrain hard? Were there lots of water crossings? Was one intersection particularly confusing?

4) Resupply notes for longer trails: Longer trails will have resupply info. Each time you hit a road to hitch into a town, or access a mail drop box, jot down the mileage, what the resupply was like, and how you got to town. That’s what I did for the Ouachita Trail and it was really helpful when I wrote the profile a few weeks later.

5) Other resource notes: These are the hard takeaways that set a BPR profile apart from less comprehensive or reliable information on the internet. We’ll want to know if water was readily available, what the camping situation was like, and if you need a permit for this trail. If the trail is permitted, how did you get the permit?

6) Any other special considerations: As you’re hiking, think about your gear. Did you take anything that really didn’t work for this trail? A trekking pole tent when a freestanding tent would have been better? Are bear canisters required? Was there a ton of poison ivy during one section? These notes will really round out your write-up and make it even more helpful for other people inspired to hike this trail.

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Backpacking Routes by Season Tue, 29 Dec 2020 03:22:57 +0000 Backpacking routes sorted by season, including the best hikes for summer, fall, winter, and spring.

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These are the backpacking routes in our library sorted by season.

We’ve done our best to categorize a challenging metric, as some hikers will be perfectly happy on a New England ridge-line in the middle of winter, while others see that type of backpacking trip as a strictly summer endeavor. Many routes have multiple season categories, especially fall and spring. Those are “shoulder season” trails, and are often interchangeable.

The seasonal pages are simply the most ideal time to hike each trail. Each route page has specific details on timing and direction, so be sure to check out the details, as some seasons bleed over and a late spring start will be fine for a “summer” trail. Always be sure to understand the elevation, terrain, and conditions each season will throw at you if you decide to try something in the “off season.”

Spring Backpacking Routes
smoky mountain national park backpacking loop

Spring backpacking trails are usually at a lower elevation, and mainly in the southern part of the country. Many of these trails are also great for hiking in the fall. See all spring backpacking trails here.

Summer Backpacking Routes
summer backpacking montana beaten path

Summer backpacking trails are usually at higher elevations and in the northern part of the country. Often you’ll have to wait for the snow to melt or the trails to clear up. See all summer backpacking trails here.

Fall Backpacking Routes
fall backpacking route new england

Fall backpacking trails are extremely versatile from the beginning of the season to the end. Early fall is prime in New England, and later fall hikes are ideal in the middle south. See all fall backpacking trails here.

Winter Backpacking Routes
winter backpacking trails

Winter backpacking routes are less common. While plenty of trails trails can be hiked in the winter, many are only recommended for people with winter backpacking experience. True winter trails and thru-hikes are in the south, and stay at a lower elevation. See our winter backpacking trails here.

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Pacific Northwest Resupply Spreadsheet Thu, 10 Dec 2020 15:59:24 +0000 Pacific Northwest Trail Resupply data, including mileage, trail town, and whether you should send a mail drop or buy in town.

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MileageTrail CommunityDistanceSection
Westbound****on roads****
Mail/BuyEast Glacier (Amtrak Station)66.7
Mail55Polebridge, MT01
Mail/Buy133Eureka, MT01
Mail190Yaak, MT7.32
Mail229Fiest Creek Falls Resort, ID0.32
Buy260Bonners Ferry, ID153
Mail/Buy350Metaline Falls, WA03
Mail/Buy396Northport, WA03
Mail426Orient, WA3.94
Buy466Republic, WA (Sherman Pass)17.54
Buy493Republic, WA (Hwy 21)9.54
Buy516Republic, WA (Sweat Creek TH)8.74
Mail538Bonaparte Lake Resort, WA0.65
Buy586Oroville, WA05
Mail611Loomis, WA2.36
Mail/Buy737Mazama, WA (East Bank TH)41.66
Buy737Winthrop, WA (East Bank TH)54.36
Mail744Ross Lake Resort, WA07
Mail794Glacier, WA (Hannegan)13.27
Buy794Bellingham WA (Hannegan Pass)48.77
Mail/Buy837Concrete, WA (Koma Kulshan )11.57
Mail872Hamilton, WA (Les Hilde Trail)3.47
Mail882Lyman, WA (Pipeline Road)1.77
Mail920Alger, WA0.77
Buy923Bellingham, WA (Squires Lake)117
Mail/Buy937Bow / Edison08
Buy959Anacortes, WA08
Buy984Oak Harbor, WA38
Buy1008Port Townsend, WA09
Buy1070Port Angeles, WA199
Mail/Buy1167Forks, WA5.49
Mail1207La Push, WA0.110
—–1227Western Terminus, Cape Alava010
Pacific Northwest Trail Resupply Spreadsheet of locations and towns

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Long Trail Shuttles and Transportation Wed, 19 Aug 2020 13:27:21 +0000 View the Long Trail Page here Private Shuttles Servicing the Northern Terminus John Selmer – Location: Westfield. (802) 744-6319 The Journey Salon and Guest House will shuttle from their place to the trail if you are staying there. (802)-988-1040, [email protected] Everywhere Taxi – Location: Burlington. 802) 238-4121, [email protected] New England Read more…

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View the Long Trail Page here

Private Shuttles Servicing the Northern Terminus

  1. John Selmer – Location: Westfield.
    (802) 744-6319
  2. The Journey Salon and Guest House will shuttle from their place to the trail if you are staying there.
    (802)-988-1040, [email protected]
  3. Everywhere Taxi – Location: Burlington.
    802) 238-4121, [email protected]
  4. New England Taxi – Location: Burlington.
    (802)598-7254, [email protected]
  5. Montgomery Adventures – Location: Montgomery
    (802) 370-2103, [email protected]
  6. Julie Marckres – Location: North Troy
    (802) 988-1040
  7. Andy & Carlene Squires – Location: Richmond
    (802) 434-2533
  8. Pat Spielman & Jim Morris – Location: Jericho
    (802) 899-5465, [email protected]
  9. Don Groll – Location: Middlebury
    (802) 388-7403
  10. Louanne Nielsen – Location: Jericho
    (802) 899-3266
  11. Jeff & Nancy Comstock
    (802) 233-0823 OR (802) 233-4059
  12. Dave & Louise Ransom
    (802) 644-8144, [email protected]
  13. 1893 House Bed & Breakfast – Location: North Troy
    (888) 988-9614

There are several options for parking your car at the Northern Terminus. Here are a few that have serviced Long Trail hikers in the past.

  1. Hazen’s Notch Association Welcome Center
    1423 Hazen’s Notch Road, Montgomery Center – (802) 326-4799
  2. Montgomery Adventures
    262 Deep Gibou Road, Montgomery Center – (802) 370-2103
  3. 1893 House Bed & Breakfast
    North Troy – (888) 988-9614
  4. Steve Merrill’s House
    Near the Catholic Church, North Troy – (802) 988-2958

Public Transportation Servicing the Southern Terminus

  1. Fly into into Albany International Airport in New York, take Peter Pan Bus Lines to Williamstown, Mass.
  2. Peter Pan Bus Lines connects to Williamstown from most major cities.
  3. The Pine Cobble Trail in Williamstown connects to the Appalachian Trail just south of the Vermont border and the Long Trail.

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Difficulty Scale: Logistics Tue, 16 Jun 2020 19:17:12 +0000 Backpacking route categories based on logistics, such as terminus access, permitting, and land management.

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Easy Logistics

Arrival at either terminus is straightforward, consisting of an easy shuttle or a loop (starting and finishing in the same spot). Resupplies are frequent and accessible, permits are either not required or easily obtained. Campsites are easy to find, water is frequent.

Moderate Logistics

Travel to and from the terminus requires some work, permits might be required for some sections, water and camping requires planning. 

Difficult Logistics

Remote start and end points, difficult resupplies, food and water caches might be necessary, travel to the trail requires planning, trail could require difficult-to-obtain permits.

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Difficulty Scale: Terrain Tue, 16 Jun 2020 19:14:48 +0000 Backpacking routes sorted by terrain difficulty, including elevation gain, sustained effort, and expected weather conditions.

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Easy Terrain

Little-to-no daily elevation gain. Average elevation is not high enough to necessitate acclimatization. Temperature and weather conditions are mild in the hiking season. Trail is extremely well marked, well-maintained, and easy to follow.

Moderate Terrain

Trail elevation changes gradually through the course of the day, or some days include sustained climbs and descents. Average elevation might necessitate acclimatization in some cases. Temperature might dip below 32 F nightly or above 75 F daily. Weather is mostly pleasant with occasional challenges. Trail is well-marked and well-maintained, but might include instances of sign-reading, route-finding, or other navigational skills.

Difficult Terrain

Elevation changes drastically on a daily basis. Most days include sustained climbs and descents. Average elevation might necessitate acclimatization, with instances of climbs above 12,000 feet possible. Temperatures almost certainly drop below 32 F nightly or rise above 75 F daily. Weather conditions could be hazardous even in prime hiking season, with storms, high heat, or extreme cold possible. Trail could be poorly maintained or marked in sections, and navigational skills and tools are recommended.

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Backpacking Routes Regions Wed, 17 Jun 2020 01:10:38 +0000 Backpacking routes sorted by US region.

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New England

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island


New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia

Great Lakes Midwest

Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota

Plains Midwest

North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa 

Deep South (Lower Appalachians)

Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, 

Middle South (Appalachians and Ozarks)

West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas


Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern Utah

Mountain West

Nevada, Northern Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana

Pacific West

California, Oregon, Washington


Canada, with more to come!

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