The hiking world is filled with stories of people who wanted to take their gear to the next level, and who drew on their outdoor experiences to design gear that’s lightweight yet durable. Most of them began by making gear at home. Some still do, while others have moved on to larger spaces.
What they all have in common is a commitment to quality, and gear made for hikers like them. With that in mind we’ve compiled a list of cottage gear makers that we think deserve your attention, and who make their gear in the United States.
Let us know if you have a favorite piece of gear that we’ve missed.
Alien Outdoor Gear
Their Story: Single-person cottage company started by Brandon York in Madison, Wisconsin.
Best Known For: Ultralight backpacks and accessories.
Their Story: Started by Livio Melo and Jennifer Jacobsson in The Bronx, New York City, with a commitment to “a world in which the outdoors are part of typical life and culture.”
Best Known For: Eco Liten 35 backpack.
Alpen Fuel
Their Story: Shaun and Emily Durkee started Alpen Fuel as a side hustle in Bozeman, Montana, and eventually grew it into a full-time business.
Best Known For: High-calorie, quick prep breakfast meals.
Alpine Fit
Their Story: Outdoor adventure clothing made in Anchorage, Alaska.
Best Known For: Base layers made for anything from expeditions to multi-day hikes.
Alpine Gremlins
Their Story: Started by Dylan Hooper Goetinck and Skye Cudney to provide an alternative to throwaway trash bag pack liners.
Best Known For: Handcrafted Dyneema pack liners.
Alpine Luddites
Their Story: John Campbell started Alpine Luddites to make gear that he couldn’t find elsewhere.
Best Known For: Custom backpacking and bikepacking packs made in Vermont.
Their Story: Started by Dan to make ultralight backpacking equipment in his apartment in Atlanta, Georgia.
Best Known For: Ultralight tarps.
Appalachian Gear Company*
(Editor’s note: Appalachian Gear Company closed in mid-2024. No word on whether it will regroup and reopen.)

Their Story: John Gage and Mike Hawkins worked for different Fortune 500 textile manufacturing companies before starting Appalachian Gear Company in Charlotte, North Carolina, and developing All-Paca–a lightweight, 100 percent alpaca fabric with no harsh chemical processing and no synthetic fibers blended in. The yarn was imported from Peru and products were made in Charlotte.
Best Known For: The All-Paca Fleece Hoodie.
*BPR Users: Maggie and Jeff both swear by the All-Paca Fleece Hoodie.
Arctic Lynx
Their Story: Michelle Boyer began making technical maternity activewear in Maine when she was pregnant with her second child
Best Known For: Technical clothing for pregnancy and beyond.
Arrowhead Equipment
Their Story: Hammocks, tarps, and quilts made in Southern Idaho from US-sourced fabric and insulation for more than 10 years.
Best Known For: Synthetic insulation quilts.
Banks Fry-Bake
Their Story: Formed in 1979, producing the Expedition and Alpine pans in cooperation with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS).
Best Known For: Durable, lightweight cooking pans.
Bear Paw Wilderness Designs
Their Story: Designed and made in Colorado.
Best Known For: Lightweight custom tents and tarps.

Their Story: Jamie Hogan started BearVault, based in San Diego, California, in the early 2000s, seeking a lighter, easier-to-use bear canister.
Best Known For: Bear can cap that twists on and off with a childproof-type latch.
*BPR Users: Hugh and Jeff both use the BearVault 450 for trips up to five days. Maggie has the BV500 for the PCT but her dreams were destroyed in 2020.
Bedrock Sandals
Their Story: Nick Pence and Dan Opalacz started their company in Northern California in 2001, and in 2019 moved to Missoula, Montana.
Best Known For: Cairn lightweight adventure sandals.
Their Story: Ultralight gear created by Ben in the Colorado Rockies.
Best Known For: Dyneema dry bags, wallets, and dog bowls.
Their Story: Mark Mowatt started Ben’s in Maine, naming it after his son. Ben’s insect repellents are now made in New Hampshire.
Best Known For: Insect repellent.
Beyond Clothing
Their Story: Started in Seattle, Washington, in 1996 to outfit the US military’s special forces, and continues to do so today while also selling US-made clothing for outdoor adventures. Beyond also develops clothing made outside the US.
Best Known For: The Axios collection is Beyond Clothing’s flagship line of clothing made entirely in the US.
Beyond the Trailhead Gear Co.
Their Story: Justin Schemenauer started Beyond the Trailhead Gear Co. in 2020 and makes outdoor gear and clothing in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.
Best Known For: Alpha Direct Rip-Back Hoodie.
Borah Gear
Their Story: Made in Montana.
Best Known For: Bivys and tarps.
Borealis Wool Co.
Their Story: Outdoor clothing made in Minnesota using Merino wool from Australia.
Best Known For: Merino wool pullover shirts.
Burgeon Outdoor
Their Story: Started in 2019 by Rudy Glocker, Burgeon makes its clothing in Lincoln, New Hampshire, and at a facility in Massachusetts. The company contributes to the community and to environmental causes in the White Mountains.
Best Known For: The Highlander Hoodie.
Their Story: Made in an off-grid workshop in the Alaskan woods.
Best Known For: Wood-fired backpacking stoves.
Cave Creek Hammock
Their Story: Hammocks, underquilts, and accessories. Located in Cave Creek, Arizona.
Best Known For: Pet Palace.
Chicken Tramper Ultralight Gear
Their Story: Austin Gongos and Nathan Ackerman hiked the Pacific Crest trail with packs they made, and eventually founded Chicken Tramper Ultralight Gear in Michigan.
Best Known For: Ultralight, custom-made backpacks and accessories.
Choucas Hats
Their Story: Headwear made in New Hampshire by ZP Sports, located in North Conway.
Best Known For: Performance hats, headbands, neck gaiters, and helmet covers for cold-weather aerobic activities.
Their Story: US-owned company making packs for climbers in Portland, Oregon.
Best Known For: Rugged WorkSack packs custom made for climbers.
Their Story: All Clikstand stove components are precision manufactured in the US from stainless steel or titanium.
Best Known For: Lightweight alcohol stoves.
Cloud Gear
Their Story: Lightweight, Texas-made dry bags.
Best Known For: Roll-top Dyneema dry bags.
Cloudline Apparel
Their Story: Merino wool socks made in the United States.
Best Known For: Lifetime guarantee.
Cooke Custom Sewing
Their Story: Outdoor gear made in Minnesota.
Best Known For: Backpacks for almost every adventure.
Their Story: Custom dog gear made in Duluth, Minnesota.
Best Known For: Recycling climbing gear to make collars, leashes, and harnesses for dogs.
Dandee Packs
Their Story: Dandee Packs is a one-man cottage company, with gear made in Dan Dodman’s basement in Boston, Massachusetts.
Best Known For: Handmade frameless backpacks and backpacking accessories
Darn Tough*

Their Story: Cabot Hosiery Mill, run by father-son team Marc and Ric Cabot, has been making socks in Northfield, Vermont, since the late 1970s. When business lagged in the early 2000s the company began making Darn Tough socks, and a legend was born.
Best Known For: Unconditional lifetime guarantee on socks.
*BPR Users: Hugh has two pairs of Darn Tough socks that he swears will be the last hiking socks he’ll buy. Andrew wears their socks in all sorts of cushion levels.
Deliberate Life Designs
Their Story: Founder Adam Paashaus makes sandals in Vermont.
Best Known For: Handcrafted minimalist sandals.
Dion and Nevitrek Snowshoes
Their Story: Founded in upstate New York by Bob and Denise Dion, competitive snowshoe racers. The snowshoes are made by hand in Vermont.
Best Known For: Performance racing snowshoes.
Dirty Girl Gaiters*
Their Story: Ultramarathoner Xy Weiss started by making leopard print gaiters to match her leopard print jog bra, and since 2004 Dirty Girl Gaiters have been made in America by “goddesses from their Empire of Dirt in Tucson, Arizona.”
Best Known For: Creative, wild designs on lightweight gaiters.
*BPR User: Andrew wears these in tiger stripes in honor of his orange cat.
Down Works
Their Story: Nick and Shelley Gravem met while attending UC Santa Cruz and started Down Works in 1974. Daughter Dana is now with the business.
Best Known For: Custom down sleeping bags.
Their Story: Merino wool from sheep raised on a fourth-generation farm in Montana; clothing made in the United States.
Best Known For: Premium Merino wool clothing.
DutchWare Gear
Their Story: Founded by Thom “Dutch” Wessler, 2003 Appalachian Trail thru-hiker. Based in Pennsylvania.
Best Known For: The Dutch Clip, Dutch Biner, and Dutch Flyz for hammocks.
Their Story: Small-batch clothing made in Colorado.
Best Known For: Clothes with year-round sun protection.
El Coyote Quilts
Their Story: Quilts made in Arizona by a family run business founded by Brian Noakes.
Best Known For: AlphaLite 900+ custom-made quilt.
Their Story: Founded by Mikhail Merkurieff, who tinkers in his garage with ideas for new outdoor gear.
Best Known For: The Emberlit, a packable woodburning stove.
Enlightened Equipment*
Their Story: Tim Marshall began sewing quilts in his basement in 2007, and since then has revolutionized backpacking sleep systems. His lightweight, warm quilts are a favorite for thru-hikers on the country’s long-distance trails. EE now has more than 50 workers creating quilts, clothing, and backpacking accessories in a 50,000-square-foot building in Winona, Minnesota.
Best Known For: The Revelation quilt. Warm and lightweight.
*BPR Users: Maggie wears the EE Visp and EE Torrid APEX jackets. Andrew wears their jackets, and also uses their new Rev-hole-ation Poncho Quilt.
Etowah Outfitters
Their Story: Located in Anniston, Alabama; gear made in the South.
Best Known For: Ultralight backpacking gear.
Evolved Supply Co.
Their Story: Backpacking gear made in the United States, tested around the world.
Best Known For: The Ranger frameless backpack.
Their Story: Family-owned small business based outside Atlanta, Georgia.
Best Known For: Fire starters.
Farm to Feet
Their Story: Launched in 2013 by Nester Hosiery, Farm to Feet socks are made in North and South Carolina, using US-sourced materials.
Best Known For: Colorfully patterned, cushioned trail socks.
Farm to Summit
Their Story: Started in Durango, Colorado, in 2021 by Jane and Louise Barden.
Best Known For: Vegetarian and vegan meals using farm fresh produce.
FarPointe Outdoor Gear
Their Story: Started by Joe LaPointe on the Oregon coast.
Best Known For: Hand-crafted ultralight outdoor clothing made from merino, hemp, and synthetic fabrics.
Feathered Friends*
Their Story: Founders Peter and Carol Hickner moved to the Pacific Northwest in 1972 and started making the outdoor gear they wanted to use but couldn’t find or afford. All gear made in Seattle, Washington.
Best Known For: The Eos series down jackets.
*BPR User: Maggie uses the Petrel UL 10 sleeping bag.
Their Story: Gear made in the United States for an array of outdoor pursuits.
Best Known For: Reversible Hi-Loft Merino Wool Jacket, a reversible quilted wool jacket made in the United States with US wool.
Four Dog Stoves
Their Story: Wood-burning tent and cooking stoves hand-crafted in St. Francis, Minnesota, since 1988. The name comes from how many dogs are needed on your bed at night to stay warm. Two-dog nights are cold. Three-dog nights are really cold. Four-dog nights are bitter cold.
Best Known For: 2.25-ounce titanium Bushcooker LT for backpacking.
Fox River*
Their Story: Fox River has been making socks since 1900, currently in Osage, Iowa.
Best Known For: Hiking socks of various thicknesses and materials.
*BPR User: Jeff has Fox River pants and socks.
Free Range Equipment
Their Story: Founded by Tosch Roy in Bend, Oregon.
Best Known For: Simple sport-specific backpacks for light and fast adventure in the mountains.
Gear Bags and More
Their Story: Cindy Payne designed a different way to attach water bottles to backpack shoulder straps.
Best Known For: Easy to attach water bottle pockets.
Glacial Gear
Their Story: Shereen and Shane Petersen started their business outside Glacial Park in Illinois to stay busy after their children had grown.
Best Known For: Merino wool Trail Rag.
Glad Rags
Their Story: Founded in Portland Oregon, in 1993 and run by women ever since.
Best Known For: Reusable menstrual products.
Good To-Go*
Their Story: Founded by nationally recognized chef Jennifer Scism, who began making her own dehydrated meals for backcountry trips. She and her husband, Good To-Go co-founder David Koorits, now produce a wide range of dehydrated meals in Maine.
Best Known For: An entirely gluten-free product line that is low in sodium, with no preservatives. Vegan and vegetarian options are available.
BPR User: Maggie and Andrew bring Good To-Go backpacking. Their favorites are the Pad Thai.
GooseFeet Gear*
Their Story: Ben Smith started making down socks in 2010, and since then GooseFeet Gear has expanded into making down booties, outerwear, and quilts. All the gear is made in the United States. Based in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Best Known For: High-quality, ultralight down clothing and accessories.
*BPR User: Andrew has the GooseFeet Gear Down Booties.
Their Story: Greenbelly founder Chris Cage traveled the world and hiked the AT, all the while thinking about how difficult it was to find nutritious food. Thus was born Greenbelly, maker of nutritious food for wherever your travels take you.
Best Known For: Meal2Go bars.
Gryphon Gear
Their Story: NASA scientist Dr. Gary Benninger wanted gear that was lightweight and warm, so he started Gryphon Gear.
Best Known For: Ultralight sleeping bags with an aluminized Dyneema barrier.
Hammock Gear
Their Story: Making ultralight hammocks and other backpacking gear in a manufacturing facility outside Columbus, Ohio, since 2009.
Best Known For: Ultralight hammocks.
Hartford Gear Company
Their Story: Started by Georgia in Hartford, Connecticut.
Best Known For: No-frills, handmade backpacking gear.
Heather’s Choice
Their Story: After years of making food for her own adventures, Heather started Heather’s Choice in Anchorage, Alaska, in 2014.
Best Known For: Healthy meals and snacks for adventurers.
High Tail Designs
Their Story: Conor “Dos Eggrolls” Brown started High Tail Designs in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia to break the mold of look-alike, bland gear.
Best Known For: Lightweight Dyneema gear with unique prints and patterns.
Hilltop Packs
Their Story: Hilltop Packs is a family-owned business that makes custom-order packs in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania.
Best Known For: Ultralight, fully customizable Raven backpack.
Hummingbird Hammocks
Their Story: The family-run business makes a line of lightweight hammocks in Alamo, Tennessee.
Best Known For: Lightweight hammocks sold directly to customers.
Jacks ‘R’ Better
Their Story: Jack Tier and Jack Myers, retired Army officers with a combined 50 years of military service, began hiking together in 2002. After they started making some of their own gear they formed Jacks ‘R’ Better, with headquarters in Hulmeville, Pennsylvania, in 2004.
Best Known For: The Nest underquilt designed to fit Hennessy hammocks.
Johnson Woolen Mills
Their Story: Founded in 1842 in Johnson, Vermont, and now led by fourth-generation owner Stacy Barrows Manosh.
Best Known For: Wool coats, shirts, and pants for men, women, and children.
Jolly Gear
Their Story: During a thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail Bennett “Jolly” Fisher came up with the idea of creating a button-down sun hoodie with colorful designs. And so Jolly Gear war born.
Best Known For: Triple Crown Button Down.
Justin’s UL
Their Story: Justin Anderson started his company in 2016, turning simple trail ideas into ultralight gear.
Best Known For: Ultralight backpack accessories.
Katabatic Gear*
Their Story: Aaron Martray started Katabatic Gear to create ultralight down sleeping bags, and has since begun making quilts at the company’s factory in Lakewood, Colorado.
Best Known For: Ultralight quilts.
*BPR User: Jeff has the Flex 22.
Kate’s Real Food
Their Story: Kate turned her passion for organic food into a backpacking into USDA-certified organic snacks.
Best Known For: Plant-based protein bars.
Kula Cloth
Their Story: Anastasia Allison started Kula Cloth after seeing piles of toilet paper in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in Washington State.
Best Known For: Reusable pee cloth.
Lawson Hammock
Their Story: Founded by Wes Lawson with headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Best Known For: The Blue Ridge Camping Hammock.
LightHeart Gear
Their Story: Lightweight gear made in North Carolina, owned by Judy Gross, aka HeartFire.
Best Known For: Trekking pole tents and lightweight clothing.

Their Story: Chris and Lorraine Millard began making ultralight DCF gear in their garage in New Jersey, and when demand grew they moved into a warehouse.
Best Known For: Custom-color DCF Curve backpack. And Best. Name. Ever.
*BPR User: Jeff carries the iconic tiger pack everywhere he goes, Andrew has the Lite AF Fanny Pack, and Maggie has a Heisenberg pack.
Their Story: Kent Hering sought lightweight efficiency in a woodburning stove.
Best Known For: Littlbug Senior and Junior stoves.
Loco Libre Gear
Their Story: George “PoBoy” Carr started sewing quilts, tarps, and hammocks for himself and friends before starting Loco Libre Gear, with headquarters in Lindenwold, New Jersey, in 2015.
Best Known For: Top quilts, underquilts, and ground quilts.
Luna Sandals
Their Story: Handcrafted adventure sandals made in Seattle, Washington.
Best Known For: Minimalist running sandals for the trail, road, or both.
Their Story: All Mainers products are cut and sewn by hand at the company’s Mount Desert, Maine, headquarters using more than 95% US-sourced materials.
Best Known For: Mainers Extreme Cold Mitts.
Mayfly Ultralight Equipment
Their Story: Wanting ultralight camp shoes after a long day on trail, Mayfly Jonny started making his own.
Best Known For: Ultralight camp shoes.
McHale Alpine Packs
Their Story: Dan McHale started McHale Alpine Packs in 1983 after years of designing backpacks for other companies.
Best Known For: Alpine packs custom made in Seattle, Washington.
Their Story: Childhood buddies Fritz Howard and Kevco began making outdoor gear in Leadville, Colorado, in 1994. Melanzana (Italian for eggplant) has grown since then to occupy a large retail space in Leadville—the only place that sells Melanzana clothing—making the mining town high in the Colorado Rockies a mecca for fans of the company’s clothing. All the fabric is made in the US, and the clothes are sewn in Leadville.
Best Known For: The Melly (Micro Grid Hoodie). A cult fave.
Miles Gear
Their Story: Dave Miles made his first waterproof / breathable Uber Bivy after a cold night during a Mt. Whitney winter rescue.
Best Known For: Uber Bivy.
Their Story: A family-run business in Ashland, New Hampshire, since 1916.
Best Known For: Mountain Heritage merino wool socks made in Ashland, New Hampshire.
Mio Mi
Their Story: Miriam Schlotzhauer, an athlete and designer, began Mio Mi to merge her passions for climbing, mountain sports, biking, and sewing.
Best Known For: Chalk bags, ditty bags, hats, headbands, and apparel hand-sewn in Bozeman, Montana, using American-made textiles.
Their Story: Founded in 2020, all Mola clothing is made to order in Richmond, Vermont.
Best Known For: Fleece and tech clothing, lounge wear.
Moonbow Gear
Their Story: Outdoor gear made in New Hampshire.
Best Known For: Custom packs, tarps, and clothing.
Their Story: Started by outdoor adventurers Alex and Zac, based in Portland, Oregon.
Best Known For: Rubber-tipped, hard plastic Morsel spork.
Mountain Dogware
Their Story: Stefan Keith designed a rescue harness for dogs after hearing about a dog that was injured while descending a mountain trail.
Best Known For: The Pack-a-Paw rescue harness, designed and made in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Mountain Laurel Designs
Their Story: Ron Bell started Mountain Laurel Designs in 2002, first making silnylon tarps and then expanding into trekking pole tents and backpacks, all made in Roanoke, Virginia.
Best Known For: The Prophet custom-made ultralight backpack.
Their Story: Seattle engineer and lifelong mountaineer Larry Penberthy formed Mountain Safety Research in 1969. Although much of their gear is made overseas, snowshoes are still assembled in the US.
Best Known For: Lightning Ascent snowshoes.
Their Story: Started in Rochester, New York, in 1949 by Emanual Goldberg, who named the company after his wife, Natalie Levey Goldberg, who also was known as Natalie Gene.
Best Known For: 32-ounce wide-mouth water bottle. Majority of the company’s bottles are made in Rochester, New York.
Their Story: Handmade travel and outdoor gear from Oceanside, California.
Best Known For: Dyneema packing cubes.
Nashville Pack and Equipment Company
Their Story: Founded by 2018 AT thru-hiker Levi “Bedhead” Morton and Triple Crowner and ultrarunnerGrant “Gusha” Leonardi.
Best Known For: The Tempo pack for fastpackers.
Next Mile Meals
Their Story: Family-run company that makes meals by hand and in small batches in Sonoma, California, with all ingredients sourced from US companies. Headquarters in San Francisco, California.
Best Known For: All meals are gluten-free.
Northern Lites
Their Story: Snowshoes engineered and made in the US since 1992.
Best Known For: Lightweight snowshoes, because who doesn’t like playing in the snow.
Nunatak Gear
Their Story: Started in 1999. The main facility is in Moab, Utah, with some items sewn in Seattle, Washington.
Best Known For: Ultralight quilts and lightweight down jackets.
NW Alpine
Their Story: Bill Amos started NW Alpine in 2010 to make climbing clothes that are functional, light, and high quality. Designed and made in Salem, Oregon.
Best Known For: Spectra shirts and hoody for climbing.
Oterra Designs
Their Story: Erin O’Toole founded Oterra Designs with a vision of creating unique, expressive, and high performing gear for the outdoor community.
Best Known For: Climbing gear and safety kits.
Outa Ware
Their Story: Andrew Tuller began making outdoor gear in Montana that could stand up to extensive use.
Best Known For: Custom-crafted clothing and gear for all seasons and for a wide variety of sports.
Outdoor Herbivore
Their Story: Kim Safdy started Outdoor Herbivore, located in Sacramento, California, in 2010, to produce one-pot dried meals using organic, whole food ingredients.
Best Known For: Vegetarian and vegan meals.
Their Story: New Hampshire based since 2013.
Best Known For: The faceGlove that keeps your nose and cheeks warm.
Their Story: US manufacturer of outdoor recreational equipment.
Best Known For: Tarps and bivvy sacks.
Packback Designs
Their Story: Started in Scottsdale, Arizona, by a group of avid hikers who want gear outside the big box offerings.
Best Known For: Ultralight gear.
Packit Gourmet
Their Story: A family-run business based in Austin, Texas.
Best Known For: Meals with roots in the South.
Their Story: Tony Kramer has been designing and making hammocks in Woodstock, Georgia, for 15 years.
Best Known For: Lie-flat hammock design.
Their Story: Packs and clothing designed in Salt Lake City, Utah, and manufactured by contract sewers in Salt Lake City and Phoenix, Arizona.
Best Known For: Lightweight and ultralight backpacks.
Peak Refuel
Their Story: After years of working in the freeze-drying industry, Seth Adams started Peak Refuel in Utah in 2018.
Best Known For: High-protein meals using real meat, with no fillers.
Peter Limmer and Sons
Their Story: A family-run business that has been making hiking boots in New Hampshire for half a century.
Best Known For: Custom-made leather boots.
Pilgrim Ultralight Gear
Their Story: Ultralight backpacking gear made in Ogden, Utah.
Best Known For: Highline Framed Backpack
Pillow Strap
Their Story: Brian and Rita in March 2023 began making pillow cases that hold an inflatable pillow and strap to an air pad.
Best Known For: The Pillow Strap.
Pinnacle Foods
Their Story: Started by brothers John and Ben Ritner and based in High Point, North Carolina.
Best Known For: Small-batch cooked freeze-dried meals with fresh ingredients, and no additives or preservatives
Their Story: Family-owned business located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Best Known For: Merino wool clothing.
Pond’s Edge LLC
Their Story: Jason Pond makes ultralight backpacking accessories at the family farm in Wisconsin.
Best Known For: Dyneema stuff sacks.
Purple Rain Adventure Skirts
Their Story: Mandy “Purple Rain” Bland has been making hiking skirts in her Oregon home since 2014, after making the first one for her Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike.
Best Known For: Hiking kilts and skirts for a breath of fresh air.
Their Story: Ultralight hiker Rob Kelly started QiWiz—his trail name—after making a titanium cathole trowel for himself.
Best Known For: Big Dig Ultralight Trowel.
Ragged Mountain Equipment
Their Story: Outdoor apparel and equipment made in the United States since 1978.
Best Known For: Clothing made in Intervale, New Hampshire.
Their Story: Founded by owner, operator, and designer Anneka Herndon in Cashmere, Washington.
Best Known For: Hats as unique as the person who chooses one.
Red Paw Packs*
Their Story: Matt Evans makes lightweight backpacks and fanny packs in Boulder, Colorado.
Best Known For: The Corner fanny pack.
*BPR User: Andrew has the Front Range 28L pack.
RBH Designs
Their Story: Mother and son Nancy and Ryan Hannigan started RBH Designs in their Stafford, Connecticut, home in 1998.
Best Known For: Clothes, mittens and gloves that use VaprThrm® fabric, which insulates in two ways: by blocking evaporative heat-loss and by protecting insulating layers from getting wet with sweat.
Ridge Merino
Their Story: Family-owned business based in Mammoth Lakes, California.
Best Known For: Merino wool clothing.
Their Story: Outdoor clothing designed in Jackson, Wyoming, and manufactured in the United States.
Best Known For: Rinord Shorts with a lifetime warranty.
Rivendell Mountain Works
Their Story: Packs and gear handmade in the US since 1971.
Best Known For: Mariposa Summit Pack.
Ruta Locura
Their Story: Ruta Locura was founded by Josh Leavitt in August 2011 and is based in Ogden, Utah.
Best Known For: Carbon fiber Yana trekking poles.
Sagebrush Dry Gear
Their Story: Handcrafted in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska.
Best Known For: Fully submersible backpacks, camera bags, and duffel bags.

Their Story: Sam Roberts began sewing fleece pullovers and shorts in his Utah dining room in January 2021, and has been flooded with orders since then. The company is now based in Portland, Maine.
Best Known For: Customizable, colorful, and wildly patterned fleece clothing.
*BPR User: Jeff has a pair of fleece shorts.
Seek Outside
Their Story: Seek Outside began making tents in Grand Junction, Colorado, in 2009, and since then has added backpacks and stoves to its product line.
Best Known For: Gear for hiking and hunting.
Senchi Designs
Their Story: Ryan Windus makes small-batch gear in Portland, Oregon.
Best Known For: Lightweight, breathable hoodies and leggings.
Their Story: Family-run, home-based workshop in Santa Cruz, California.
Best Known For: Minimalist footwear.
Sheltowee Hammock Company
Their Story: Sheltowee hammocks are crafted in small batches in Central Kentucky.
Best Known For: Lightweight, durable hammocks.
Their Story: Brett Tucker started Simblissity to make quality ultralight gear.
Best Known For: The ultralight, strapless LevaGaiter.
Simple Outdoor Solutions
Their Story: Family-owned business in Flagstaff, Arizona. Every piece of gear is family-made.
Best Known For: Outsak UL; animal resistant steel wire mesh food bag.
Simply Light Designs
Their Story: Jared M. Baker, based in Idaho, makes outdoor gear to order.
Best Known For: Hammocks, tarps, and accessories.
Their Story: Corinne Prevot began making patterned hats for cross-country ski teammates and friends at Burke Mountain Academy in Vermont, and started Skida as demand for the hats grew.
Best Known For: Colorful, patterned hats and beanies.
Their Story: Fleece hoodies made in Summit County, Colorado.
Best Known For: Signature TRI Color “CAMP” Hoodies.
Their Story: Imagined in Denver, Colorado, designed in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and made at mills in Tennessee and North Carolina.
Best Known For: Merino wool socks.
SOM Footwear
Their Story: Olivier Marchal started Sense of Motion Footwear to make minimalist footwear for runners, hikers, and others. Shoes made in Montrose, Colorado.
Best Known For: Lightweight zero-drop shoes with a wide toebox.
Space Bear Bags
Their Story: Homegrown outdoor gear company based in San Diego, California, that started with a desire to make custom, lightweight hiking gear with a fun flair.
Best Known For: Poop-moji toiletry pouch.
Their Story: Sarah Doscinski and Kelley Cullenberg started Spandits in Maine in 2012, using US-sourced material that is sewn in Maine.
Best Known For: Colorful, printed spandex athletic tights.
Superior Gear
Their Story: Founded by Danny Warnock in Minnesota.
Best Known For: Insulated hammocks.
Superior Wilderness Designs
Their Story: Founded by Brandon McIntyre and Ashley Thick, SWD makes custom backpacks in Michigan.
Best Known For: Superior frameless backpacks.
Their Story: From their roots in Nashville, Tennessee, to an international brand.
Best Known for: Socks for every athletic pursuit.
*BPR User: Maggie wears the Swiftwick Vision Six Socks.
Symbiosis Gear
Their Story: Ultralight backpacking gear made for women.
Best Known For: The Aspen, an ultralight backpack designed for women.
TentPole Technologies
Their Story: Tom and Terry Heger started repairing tent poles at their home more than 30 years ago, and now have a shop Vancouver, Washington.
Best Known For: Repairing tent poles

Their Story: Mike Cecot-Scherer designed tents for several companies before starting TheTentLab, run out of his home in Louisville, Colorado. The company’s The Deuce cathole trowel is made in Colorado, although its MoonLight tents are made in China.
Best Known For: The Deuce.
*BPR User: Hugh takes The Deuce on all his hikes.
The Packa
Their Story: Edward Hinnant came up with the idea of a packcover-jacket combination in 1999 while doing shakedown hikes for an Appalachian Trail thru-hike. He makes the raincoats at home in Georgia.
Best Known For: The Packa raincoat.
Their Story: Outdoor apparel company started in 2018 and based in Williston, Vermont.
Best Known For: Custom Burrow Hoodie.
Their Story: Family owned and made in North Carolina since 1980.
Best Known For: Socks with thick padding in the heel and ball of the feet,
Trekker Joe’s
Their Story: Ultralight bottle holders and fanny packs made at Trekker Joe’s home.
Best Known For: Ultralight Water Bottle Sleeve.
Their Story: After appreciating the usefulness of waist packs on Appalachian and Pacific Crest Trail thru-hikes, Paul Thomas started making them in Norfolk, Virginia, in 2017.
Best Known For: Summit Bum Classic waist packs.
Their Story: Dan Timmerman began by making his own sleeping bag and outdoor clothing before offering gear for sale online. Located near Ithaca, New York.
Best Known For: Down sleeping bags, quilts, and clothing.
Trail Designs
Their Story: Rand Lindsly and brothers Russ and Lee Zandbergen, all mechanical engineers, started Trail Designs in Northern California in 2005 in their quest for lightweight and ultralight stoves and cooking gear.
Best Known For: Caldera Cone alcohol stove.
Their Story: John and Karen Rammel make gear from their home.
Best Known For: Hammocks and accessories.
Their Story: Family-run business started by Vince Robichaud and based in Rochester, Minnesota.
Best Known For: Food to keep your body going, your taste buds happy, and your belly full.
UGQ Outdoor
Their Story: Small shop making custom quilts and tarps in Jackson, Michigan, since 2011.
Best Known For: The Bandit backpacking quilt.
ULA Equipment
Their Story: Brian Frankle recognized a need for durable, lightweight equipment after hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, and started Ultralight Adventure Equipment (ULA) in 2001. The company’s backpacks are made in Logan, Utah.
Best Known For: ULA Circuit.
Their Story: Based in Fremont, California.
Best Known For: Colorful gaiters and headbands.
Ultralite Sacks
Their Story: Made by Luke Nalley in his coastal Oregon home.
Best Known For: Dyneema storage bags.
Their Story: Terral Fox’s quest for comfortable, durable minimal sandals led him to start Unshoes in 2010.
Best Known For: Sandals for the minimal footwear and barefoot community.
Vermont Glove
Their Story: Gloves made in Randolph, Vermont, since 1920.
Best Known For: The Jefflo Mitt, a warm and durable goatskin leather outdoor adventure mitten.
Their Story: Performance clothing made in the United States.
Best Known For: Ultralight River Run Hoodie.
Warbonnet Outdoors
Their Story: Begun in 2008 by Brandon Waddy, Warbonnet makes hammocks, hammock tarps, and hammock quilts in Colorado.
Best Known For: The Blackbird hammock.
Westbound Gear
Their Story: Outdoor enthusiast Eliza makes ultralight gear accessories in the California Bay Area.
Best Known For: Backpack shoulder pouches and hip packs.
Western Mountaineering
Their Story: Gary Schaezlein and Jeff Jones began making down sleeping bags in San Jose, California, in 1970.
Best Known For: Quality down sleeping bags.
White Box Stoves
Their Story: Bill Ballowe designed his first bottle can alcohol stove in 2006 using heavy-duty used drink bottles. Made in Montana.
Best Known For: White Box Alcohol Stove.
Their Story: Outdoor gear made in the United States since 1986; headquarters and store in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Best Known For: A wide range of sleeping bags.
Wild Ideas
Their Story: Three aerospace engineers started Wild Ideas in 1998 to make lightweight bear canisters.
Best Known For: The Bearikade canister.
Wild Zora*

Their Story: Zora and Josh Tabin started Wild Zora in 2014 in Loveland, Colorado, at first focusing on snack bars, then expanding to meals in January 2018 with the purchase of Paleo Meals To Go.
Best Known For: Real food, real spices, with no preservatives or additives.
*BPR User: Hugh likes the hearty, well-seasoned Wild Zora meals
Wintergreen Northern Wear
Their Story: Outdoor clothing made in Ely, Minnesota, since 1987.
Best Known For: Clothing made for brutal winter adventures.
Yama Mountain Gear
Their Story: Gen Shimizu started Yama (formerly known as Alpenlite) in 2006, designing and building gear outside Missoula, Montana.
Best Known For: Ultralight tarps.
Their Story: Adam “Boomer ” Bruce makes small-batch adventure gear in Kingston Springs, Tennessee, for the “dirtbags of the world.”
Best Known For: Frameless Dyneema packs.
Yukon Outfitters
Their Story: Started in the South in 2009 to make quality, affordable gear after an expensive rain jacket failed on a Yukon trip.
Best Known For: Hammocks made in the United States.
Their Story: Mallory Ottariano started making clothes in 2012 in her parents’ basement, selling on Etsy. In November 2020 she launched Youer, a company based in Missoula, MT, for women and run by women.
Best Known For: Women’s clothing that uses fabrics made from recycled (and often plastic-free) alternatives, prints designed in-house and printed on-demand to minimize waste.
Their Story: Custom backpacks made in Ohio by Chris Zimmer.
Best Known For: Buyers select the volume, pockets, and material for their backpacks.

Their Story: When Joe Valesko hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2004 he couldn’t find lightweight gear that he liked, so he made his own and tested it on the trail. Zpacks was born in 2005, and all its gear is sewn in in West Melbourne, Florida.
Best Known For: Duplex tent
*BPR User: Maggie and Jeff use the Zpacks Free Duo tent.